Ajax is returning empty string

Below is my AJAX call to my test.php page. When returned, I'm getting a blank line. $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "test.php", data: 'action='+action+'&workOrderID='+value+'&wid='+wid+'&eid='+eid+'&lastName='+lastName+'&firstName='+firstName+'&finalComment='+comment, dataType: "json", error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { cons


以下是我对我的test.php页面的AJAX调用。 返回时,我得到一个空白行。 $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "test.php", data: 'action='+action+'&workOrderID='+value+'&wid='+wid+'&eid='+eid+'&lastName='+lastName+'&firstName='+firstName+'&finalComment='+comment, dataType: "json", error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { console.log(data);

VIM for PHP: List if()'s and include()'s in Taglist

I use Taglist in VIM, but one particular PHP application which I have inherited is coded with if()'s and elseif()'s and include()'s extensively. Not a single method or function in almost 5000 lines of code per file (and tens or hundreds of files). Is there any way to use Taglist or another plugin to get an overview of the code flow? I'm thinking of something along the lines of

VIM for PHP:在Taglist中列出if()和include()

我在VIM中使用了Taglist,但是我继承的一个特定的PHP应用程序是用if()和elseif()和include()广泛编码的。 在每个文件(和几十或几百个文件)的近5000行代码中没有单一的方法或函数。 有什么方法可以使用Taglist或其他插件来获得代码流的概述? 我正在考虑按照简明的方式在边栏中显示if()的条件,包括它们的层次结构。 任何远近的东西都会很棒。 谢谢! 这涉及到一点点工作,您需要编译一个修改版本的带有修改过

Count number of phone calls at the same time

I have a MySQL table with phone calls. Every row means one phone call. Columns are: start_time start_date duration I need to get a maximum phone calls called at the same time. It's because of telephone exchange dimensioning. My solution is to create two timestamp columns timestamp_start and timestamp_end . Then I run a loop second by second, day by day and ask MySQL something like: S


我有一个带有电话的MySQL表。 每一排意味着一个电话。 列是: start_time start_date duration 我需要同时拨打最多的电话。 这是因为电话交换的尺寸。 我的解决方案是创建两个时间戳列timestamp_start和timestamp_end 。 然后,我每天都要循环运行一个循环,然后问MySQL: SELECT Count(*) FROM tbl WHERE start_date IN (thisday, secondday) AND "this_second_checking" BETWEEN timestamp_start AND timestamp_end;

Allow access to PHP file only through ajax on local server

I have a website that needs to increment values in a database based upon user interaction. When users click a button a php script is called that increments the value. I'd like to protect this script from being accessed by outside scripts. Currently a user could write their own web page with a javascript function that hits the same php file repeatedly to blow up the value in the database.


我有一个网站需要根据用户交互增加数据库中的值。 当用户点击一个按钮时,会调用一个php脚本来增加该值。 我想保护这个脚本不被外部脚本访问。 目前,用户可以使用JavaScript函数编写他们自己的网页,该函数重复地点击相同的php文件以炸毁数据库中的值。 这里是我的jQuery代码,增加了: jQuery(function(){ $('.votebtn').click(function(e){ var mynum = $(this).attr('id').substring(0,5); $.ajax({

Spotify Web API

I'm trying to access users playlist tracks by using the client credentials flow. Spotify getting playlist documentation: https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/get-playlists-tracks/ Spotify getting client credentials documentation: https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/authorization-guide/ First question, is it possible to get a users playlist tracks using client credentials flow? I'

Spotify Web API

我试图通过使用客户端凭据流访问用户播放列表曲目。 Spotify获取播放列表文档:https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/get-playlists-tracks/ Spotify获取客户端凭据文档:https://developer.spotify.com/web-api/authorization-guide/ 第一个问题,是否有可能使用客户端凭据流获取用户播放列表曲目? 我使用这个流程,因为我无法弹出用户登录的登录框。 其次,我尝试使用https://github.com/jwilsson/spotify-web-a

How to get all the tracks of an artist with spotify api?

I am able to view all the tracks on spotify by calling this url: http://ws.spotify.com/search/1/track.json?q=xxx&page=1 A sample response contains the artist data for each track, like: [artists] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [href] => spotify:artist:38IfmizrHTCxFjd8UKhWnp [name] => Husman ) ) From the above response, i get the artist ID as: 38IfmizrHTCxFj

如何通过spotify api获取艺术家的所有曲目?

通过调用此网址,我可以查看spotify上的所有曲目: http://ws.spotify.com/search/1/track.json?q=xxx&page=1 示例响应包含每首曲目的艺术家数据,如: [artists] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [href] => spotify:artist:38IfmizrHTCxFjd8UKhWnp [name] => Husman ) ) 从上述回应中,我得到了艺术家ID: 38IfmizrHTCxFjd8UKhWnp 。 现在,有没有办法通过api来获取上述艺术家的所

How to document a parameter that expects a constant

What's the recommended way to document function or method parameters whose value is expected to be a predefined constant? So far, I use the data type of the constant and I add a little explanation later. Eg: <?php class Foo{ const METHOD_GET = 'get'; const METHOD_POST = 'post'; /** * Load a new foo * * @param string $method HTTP method to use (either Foo::M


文档函数或方法参数的建议方法是什么?这些参数的值应该是预定义的常量? 到目前为止,我使用常量的数据类型,稍后我会添加一些解释。 例如: <?php class Foo{ const METHOD_GET = 'get'; const METHOD_POST = 'post'; /** * Load a new foo * * @param string $method HTTP method to use (either Foo::METHOD_GET or Foo::METHOD_POST) */ public function load($method=Foo::ME

Reordering a playlist

I'm actually working with the PHP Spotify API. I'm creating a playlist and I'm adding/deleting tracks depending a list of albums that change every weeks (that's the top album of the week). The problem comes when I want to reorder the tracks. In fact, I want to keep inside the playlist the tracks that stay in the top album of the week, so I can later know which tracks was the o


我实际上正在使用PHP Spotify API。 我正在创建一个播放列表,并根据每周都会更改的专辑列表(这是本周的首张专辑)添加/删除曲目。 问题出现在我想重新排列曲目的时候。 实际上,我想在播放列表中保留一周内首张专辑的曲目,这样我就可以知道哪些曲目是最早的曲目了。 但是,用实际的API重新排列播放列表非常奇怪。 当我不得不重新排序一个音轨或者两个音轨时,它工作得很好。 但是如果有更多的音轨需要重新排序,它就

Getting and parsing the Spotify Web API JSON with PHP

My aim is getting the album and its cover image with a given string like "Artist Name - Song Name". For that, I use Spotify Web API and I guess it doesn't require OAuth for these kinds of requests. $ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q=".$query."&type=track"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $data=

使用PHP获取和解析Spotify Web API JSON

我的目标是获得专辑及其封面图片,并使用“艺术家名称 - 歌曲名称”等字符串。 为此,我使用Spotify Web API,我想它不需要OAuth来处理这些类型的请求。 $ch=curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q=".$query."&type=track"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); $data=curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); echo $data; 如果你点击下面的链接,你

website folder layout

I'm not going to ask what is the best way to ...? since they might be several ways to do it, I just want to know from your experience how to manage folders and files when starting to build a website ? (note: I'm not english native that is why I request here, I can't find right places to be answered). I've been coding for years but always on my own and I never share about how p


我不会问什么是......的最佳方式? 因为他们可能有多种方式来做到这一点,我只想从您的经验中知道如何在开始构建网站时管理文件夹和文件? (注意:我不是英国本地人,这就是为什么我要求在这里,我找不到合适的地方回答)。 我一直在编码多年,但始终是我自己的,我从来没有分享过人们如何构建自己的网站。 作为一个信息,我在我的网站的根目录中创建了一个结构文件struct.php,其中包含我的网站中许多页面共享的常见布局