Multiple threads calling the same function

Suppose we have multiple threads all calling the same function: def foo # do stuff ... end 100.times do |i| do foo end end If two or more threads are currently inside of foo , do they each share the same local variables within foo ? This relates to my second question. Do threads have individual stack frames, or do they share stack frames within a single process? Speci


假设我们有多个线程都调用相同的函数: def foo # do stuff ... end 100.times do |i| do foo end end 如果两个或多个线程当前位于foo ,它们是否在foo内共享相同的局部变量? 这与我的第二个问题有关。 线程是否有单独的堆栈帧,还是共享单个进程中的堆栈帧? 特别是,当多个线程分别调用foo和foo返回之前,堆栈中是否有多个foo副本,每个都有自己的局部变量,或者在堆栈中只有一个foo副本? 是

What does ::MyClass Ruby scope operator do?

在Ruby中, ::MyClass/MyModule作用域操作符是做什么的,它的目的是什么? This explicitly refers to the MyClass in the global scope. If there is a MyClass in the global scope, but also a MyClass inside of SomeModule, referring to MyClass from inside of SomeModule will refer to MyClass inside of the module, not the global MyClass. Saying ::MyClass explicitly refers to the MyClass in the global scope

:: MyClass Ruby scope operator是做什么的?

在Ruby中, ::MyClass/MyModule作用域操作符是做什么的,它的目的是什么? 这明确引用了全局范围中的MyClass。 如果全局范围内有MyClass,而且SomeModule内部还有MyClass,则引用SomeModule内部的MyClass将引用模块内部的MyClass,而不是全局MyClass。 Saying :: MyClass明确引用全局范围中的MyClass。 class MyClass def self.something puts "Global MyClass" end end module SomeModule class MyClass def s

What does :: (double colon) mean in Ruby?

This question already has an answer here: What is Ruby's double-colon `::`? 9 answers From the Pickaxe: When a receiver is explicitly specified in a method invocation, it may be separated from the method name using either a period ( . ) or two colons ( :: ). The only difference between these two forms occurs if the method name starts with an uppercase letter. In this case, Ruby will


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 什么是Ruby的双冒号`::`? 9个答案 从镐: 当在方法调用中显式指定接收方时,可以使用句点( . )或两个冒号( :: :)将其与方法名称分开。 如果方法名以大写字母开头,则会出现这两种形式之间的唯一区别。 在这种情况下,Ruby将假定receiver::Thing方法调用实际上是尝试访问接收器中的一个称为Thing的常量,除非方法调用在括号之间具有参数列表。 它被称为范围解析运算符。 基本上是

Install gem on demand

I would like to install a gem (JSON) on the client side, but only if hasn't been installed already (some 1.9 Ruby distros have JSON bundled). I couldn't find a clue on how to do that from gem help install . And running gem install json on a Windows system with Ruby 1.9 installed (with JSON bundled) results in ERROR: Error installing json: The 'json' native gem requires instal


我想在客户端安装gem(JSON),但只有在尚未安装(大约1.9个Ruby发行版捆绑JSON)的情况下。 我无法找到关于如何从gem help install完成的线索。 并且在gem install json了Ruby 1.9的Windows系统上运行gem install json (使用JSON捆绑)会导致结果 ERROR: Error installing json: The 'json' native gem requires installed build tools. - 它试图安装它,忽略了宝石已经存在的事实。 我不能做bash技巧,如gre

What's the difference between equal?, eql?, ===, and ==?

I am trying to understand the difference between these four methods. I know by default that == calls the method equal? which returns true when both operands refer to exactly the same object. === by default also calls == which calls equal? ... okay, so if all these three methods are not overridden, then I guess === , == and equal? do exactly the same thing? Now comes eql? . What does thi

平等?,eql ?, ===和==有什么区别?

我想了解这四种方法之间的区别。 我知道默认==调用方法equal? 当两个操作数引用完全相同的对象时,它将返回true。 ===默认情况下也调用equal?调用== equal? ...好吧,如果所有这三种方法都没有被覆盖,那么我猜=== , ==和equal? 做同样的事情? 现在来eql? 。 这是做什么的(默认情况下)? 它是否调用操作数的哈希/ ID? 为什么Ruby有这么多的平等标志? 他们是否应该在语义上有所不同? 我将在这里大量引用Ob

eql? behavior after redefining Object#hash

Ruby API says: The eql? method returns true if obj and other refer to the same hash key. I changed the hash method for Object : class Object def hash 1 end end == # => true # => false I don't understand why the second statement returns false ; according to Ruby Object API above, it should return true . This is a

EQL? 重新定义Object#hash后的行为

Ruby API说: eql? 方法返回true如果obj和其他引用相同的散列键。 我改变了Object的哈希方法: class Object def hash 1 end end == # => true # => false 我不明白为什么第二个陈述返回false ; 根据上面的Ruby Object API,它应该返回true 。 这是一个文档错误。 你读得对,但文件是矛盾的。 一方面,文件说: eql? 方法返回true如

Ruby Set class: equality of sets

According to the Ruby Set class's documentation, "== Returns true if two sets are equal. The equality of each couple of elements is defined according to Object#eql?. The essence of this can be demonstrated using Date objects, where sets containing different Date objects but with the same date compare to equal: require 'set' d1 = # => Thu, 30 Sep 2010 puts d1


根据Ruby Set类的文档,“==如果两个集合相等,则返回true。每个元素的相等性根据Object#eql?定义。 可以使用Date对象来演示其本质,其中包含不同Date对象但具有相同日期比较的集合: require 'set' d1 = # => Thu, 30 Sep 2010 puts d1.object_id # => 2211539680 d2 = + 1 # => Fri, 01 Oct 2010 puts d2.object_id # => 2211522320 set1 =

HTML5 Drag and Drop using Selenium Webdriver for Ruby

Are there any work arounds to getting HTML5 Drag and Drop working with Selenium Webdriver with Ruby? I am using Selenium-Webdriver 2.20.0 with Ruby 1.9.2 Here is a simple test to reproduce the issue: require "selenium-webdriver" require "test/unit" class Html5DragAndDropTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox @driver.manage.timeouts.impl

使用Selenium Webdriver for Ruby进行HTML5拖放

是否有任何解决方案可以使用Selenium Webdriver与Ruby一起使用HTML5 Drag and Drop? 我使用Selenium-Webdriver 2.20.0和Ruby 1.9.2 这是一个简单的测试来重现问题: require "selenium-webdriver" require "test/unit" class Html5DragAndDropTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox @driver.manage.timeouts.implicit_wait = 30 end def teardown @dri

What is the difference between include and require in Ruby?

My question is similar to "What is the difference between include and extend in Ruby?". What's the difference between require and include in Ruby? If I just want to use the methods from a module in my class, should I require it or include it? What's the difference between "include" and "require" in Ruby? Answer: The include and require methods do ver


我的问题类似于“在Ruby中包含和扩展有什么区别?”。 Ruby中的require和include什么区别? 如果我只是想在我的课程中使用模块中的方法,我是否require它或include它? Ruby中的“include”和“require”有什么区别? 回答: include和require方法做了非常不同的事情。 require方法在大多数其他编程语言中都包括:运行另一个文件。 它还会跟踪您过去需要的内容,而且不会要求相同的文件两次。 要运行另一个没有这个附加功

Ruby, Mongodb, Anemone: web crawler with possible memory leak?

I began to learn about web crawlers recently and I built a sample crawler with Ruby, Anemone, and Mongodb for storage. I'm testing the crawler on a massive public website with possibly billions of links. The crawler.rb is indexing the correct information, although when I check the memory use in activity monitor it shows the memory constantly growing. I have only run the crawler for about


最近我开始学习网络爬虫,并且我构建了一个Ruby,Anemone和Mongodb存储示例爬虫。 我正在一个可能有数十亿个链接的大型公共网站上测试爬虫。 crawler.rb正在索引正确的信息,虽然当我检查活动监视器中的内存使用情况时,它显示内存在不断增长。 我只运行了大约6-7个小时的爬虫,内存显示为1.38GB的Mongo和1.37GB的Ruby进程。 这似乎每小时增长大约100MB左右。 看来我可能有内存泄漏? 他们是一个更优化的方式,我可以实