Initialization of an ArrayList in one line

I want to create a list of options for testing purposes. At first, I did this: ArrayList<String> places = new ArrayList<String>(); places.add("Buenos Aires"); places.add("Córdoba"); places.add("La Plata"); Then I refactored the code as follows: ArrayList<String> places = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList("Buenos Aires", "Córdoba", "La Plata")); Is there a bette


我想为测试目的创建一个选项列表。 起初,我这样做了: ArrayList<String> places = new ArrayList<String>(); places.add("Buenos Aires"); places.add("Córdoba"); places.add("La Plata"); 然后我重构了代码,如下所示: ArrayList<String> places = new ArrayList<String>( Arrays.asList("Buenos Aires", "Córdoba", "La Plata")); 有一个更好的方法吗? 实际上,初始化ArrayList的“最

In Java, difference between package private, public, protected, and private

在Java中,在制定class和interface并处理继承时,是否有明确规定何时使用每种访问修饰符的权限,即默认(包私有), public , protected和private ? 官方教程可能对您有些用处。 | Class | Package | Subclass | Subclass | World | | |(same pkg)|(diff pkg)| ————————————+———————+—————————+——————————+——————————+———————— public | + | + | + | + |


在Java中,在制定class和interface并处理继承时,是否有明确规定何时使用每种访问修饰符的权限,即默认(包私有), public , protected和private ? 官方教程可能对您有些用处。 | Class | Package | Subclass | Subclass | World | | |(same pkg)|(diff pkg)| ————————————+———————+—————————+——————————+——————————+———————— public | + | + | + | + |

How to efficiently iterate over each entry in a 'Map'?

If I have an object implementing the Map interface in Java and I wish to iterate over every pair contained within it, what is the most efficient way of going through the map? Will the ordering of elements depend on the specific map implementation that I have for the interface? Map<String, String> map = ... for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { System.out.prin


如果我有一个在Java中实现Map接口的对象,并且我希望迭代其中包含的每个对,那么通过该映射的最有效方式是什么? 元素的排序是否依赖于我为界面设计的特定映射实现? Map<String, String> map = ... for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { System.out.println(entry.getKey() + "/" + entry.getValue()); } 总结其他答案并将其与我所知道的结合起来,我找到了10个主要方法来做到这一点

What is a serialVersionUID and why should I use it?

Eclipse issues warnings when a serialVersionUID is missing. The serializable class Foo does not declare a static final serialVersionUID field of type long What is serialVersionUID and why is it important? Please show an example where missing serialVersionUID will cause a problem. The docs for are probably about as good an explanation as you'll get: The serializat


当serialVersionUID缺失时,Eclipse会发出警告。 可序列化类Foo不声明long类型的静态最终serialVersionUID字段 什么是serialVersionUID ?为什么它很重要? 请显示缺少serialVersionUID会导致问题的示例。的文档可能与您所获得的解释一样好: 序列化运行时与每个可序列化类关联一个称为serialVersionUID的版本号,在反序列化过程中使用该版本号来验证序列化对象的发送者和接收者是否已加载该对象

“Thinking in Scala" if I have a Java/C++ background?

I'm familiar with developing server-side applications in Java, but now I'd like to start using Scala. Can you describe the paradigm shift that is necessary? Here are a few questions that might help you frame an answer: How do I architect and design web applications differently? What is the biggest difference? What should I stop doing/using; What should I start doing/using instead?

“如何在Scala中思考”如果我有Java / C ++背景?

我熟悉用Java开发服务器端应用程序,但现在我想开始使用Scala。 你能描述一下必要的范式转变吗? 这里有几个问题可以帮助你构建一个答案: 我如何构建和设计不同的Web应用程序? 最大的区别是什么? 我应该停止做什么/使用什么; 我应该开始做什么/使用什么? 有没有客户方面的考虑/限制? 我不想在Java和Scala之间进行详细的比较。 Scala和Java的主要区别在于Scala使用函数式编程。 对于Web应用程序,您将使用不

How do I convert a String to an int in Java?

How can I convert a String to an int in Java? My String contains only numbers, and I want to return the number it represents. For example, given the string "1234" the result should be the number 1234 . String myString = "1234"; int foo = Integer.parseInt(myString); 有关更多信息,请参阅Java文档。 For example, here are two ways: Integer x = Integer.valueOf(str); // or int y = Integ


如何将String转换为Java中的int ? 我的字符串只包含数字,我想返回它表示的数字。 例如,给定字符串"1234"的结果应该是数字1234 。 String myString = "1234"; int foo = Integer.parseInt(myString); 有关更多信息,请参阅Java文档。 例如,这里有两种方法: Integer x = Integer.valueOf(str); // or int y = Integer.parseInt(str); 这些方法之间略有不同: valueOf返回一个新的或缓存的java.lang.Integ

Passing a String by Reference in Java?

I am used to doing the following in C : void main() { String zText = ""; fillString(zText); printf(zText); } void fillString(String zText) { zText += "foo"; } And the output is: foo However, in Java, this does not seem to work. I assume because the String object is copied instead of passed by referenced. I thought Strings were objects, which are always passed by reference.


我习惯在C执行以下操作: void main() { String zText = ""; fillString(zText); printf(zText); } void fillString(String zText) { zText += "foo"; } 输出是: foo 但是,在Java中,这似乎不起作用。 我假设因为String对象被复制而不是被引用传递。 我认为字符串是对象,它总是通过引用传递。 这里发生了什么? 你有三个选择: 使用StringBuilder: StringBuilder zText = new StringBuilder ()

Does Java support default parameter values?

I came across some Java code that had the following structure: public MyParameterizedFunction(String param1, int param2) { this(param1, param2, false); } public MyParameterizedFunction(String param1, int param2, boolean param3) { //use all three parameters here } I know that in C++ I can assign a parameter a default value. For example: void MyParameterizedFunction(String param1, int


我遇到了一些具有以下结构的Java代码: public MyParameterizedFunction(String param1, int param2) { this(param1, param2, false); } public MyParameterizedFunction(String param1, int param2, boolean param3) { //use all three parameters here } 我知道在C ++中,我可以为参数分配一个默认值。 例如: void MyParameterizedFunction(String param1, int param2, bool param3=false); Java是否支持这种语

Why is executing Java code in comments with certain Unicode characters allowed?

The following code produces the output "Hello World!" (no really, try it). public static void main(String... args) { // The comment below is not a typo. // u000d System.out.println("Hello World!"); } The reason for this is that the Java compiler parses the Unicode character u000d as a new line and gets transformed into: public static void main(String... args) { // The com


以下代码产生输出“Hello World!” (没有,试试看)。 public static void main(String... args) { // The comment below is not a typo. // u000d System.out.println("Hello World!"); } 原因在于Java编译器将Unicode字符u000d解析为新行并转换为: public static void main(String... args) { // The comment below is not a typo. // System.out.println("Hello World!"); } 因此导致评论被“执行”。

When to use LinkedList over ArrayList?

I've always been one to simply use: List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); I use the interface as the type name for portability, so that when I ask questions such as these I can rework my code. When should LinkedList be used over ArrayList and vice-versa? Summary ArrayList with ArrayDeque are preferable in much more use-cases than LinkedList . Not sure — just start with Ar


我一直只使用一个: List<String> names = new ArrayList<>(); 我使用接口作为可移植性的类型名称,以便当我提出这些问题时,我可以重写我的代码。 什么时候应该将LinkedList用于ArrayList ,反之亦然? 总结 ArrayList和ArrayDeque在比LinkedList更多的用例中是可取的。 不确定 - 只需从ArrayList开始。 LinkedList和ArrayList是List接口的两种不同实现。 LinkedList用一个双向LinkedList实现它。 Array