What happens when java program starts?

Recently have been touched Java classloaders and suddenly recognized that do not fully understand what happens step-by-step when someone calls java -jar App.jar Well I guess a new instance of JVM is created it uses ClassLoader to load main class and other classes byte-code is started to execute from main() method But still I suppose there are many things I need to know more about it.


最近一直被感动的Java类加载器,并突然意识到,不完全明白当有人打电话时一步一步发生的事情 java -jar App.jar 那么我猜 将创建一个新的JVM实例 它使用ClassLoader来加载主类和其他类 字节码从main()方法开始执行 但我仍然认为有很多事情我需要更多地了解它。 谁以及如何决定在启动时加载哪些类以及哪些类需要? 我发现了两个相关的问题,但没有解释如何将其应用于Java实际。 计算机程序运行时会发生什么?

How to break up an Android activity in multiple files

In Android, a lot of functionality is in the Activity derived class. When an activity gets big (with many event handlers and such), the Java file can get large and very cluttered. Is there a way to "break up" a Java class code file, like C# has the partial keyword? As others have pointed out, you cannot split the actual file (I view this as a good thing). You can extract view rel


在Android中, Activity派生类中有很多功能。 当一个活动变得很大(有许多事件处理程序等)时,Java文件可能变得很大并且非常混乱。 有没有办法“分手”一个Java类代码文件,就像C#有partial关键字一样? 正如其他人指出的,你不能分割实际的文件(我认为这是一件好事)。 您可以在自定义视图和片段中提取视图相关功能。 其他任何东西(业务逻辑,Web服务访问,数据库访问等)都可以在您的活动中使用的“助手”类中。 尽管

JLabel mouse click on icon or text

When it is clicked on JLabel , I want to understand if the click was on "Icon part" , or " Text part" of the JLabel , so that different action can be taken. Is there a clever way to do that? Or just I have to solve it relatively with the coordinates of the icon and text? +1 to @aymeric comment. What about having two different JLabels However I do understand why you mig


当它被点击JLabel ,我想明白了,如果点击的是"Icon part" ,或“ Text part"中的JLabel ,使不同可采取行动。 有没有一个聪明的方法来做到这一点? 或者只是我必须用图标和文本的坐标来解决它呢? +1给@aymeric注释。 怎么样有两个不同的JLabel 但我明白你为什么会犹豫 否定:需要维护2个标签。 我的聪明(:P)解决方案是创建自己的抽象组件-它接受图标和文本作为参数的构造函数-通过扩展JPanel和比

Unable to take screenshot in Selenium

I am trying to capture a screenshot for each failure occurrence and written following code, but this is not working. public class TestFile { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); @Test public void Testone(){ driver.get("http://www.google.com/"); } @AfterMethod(alwaysRun=true) public void catchExceptions(ITestResult result){ System.out.pr


我正在尝试捕获每个故障发生的屏幕截图并编写下面的代码,但这不起作用。 public class TestFile { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); @Test public void Testone(){ driver.get("http://www.google.com/"); } @AfterMethod(alwaysRun=true) public void catchExceptions(ITestResult result){ System.out.println("result"+result); String methodNam

How can I implement java.awt.Composite efficiently?

Background: I need to be able to create imagery in "disabled" look. The commonly suggested approach is to convert images to grayscale and show the grayscaled image. The drawback is that it only works with images, making it cumbersome to show graphics where you do not have immediate access to an image in disabled state. Now I thought this could be done on the fly with java.awt.Composi


背景:我需要能够创建“禁用”外观的图像。 通常建议的方法是将图像转换为灰度并显示灰度图像。 缺点是它仅适用于图像,因此在显示图形时,如果您无法立即访问处于禁用状态的图像,则会很麻烦。 现在我认为这可以使用java.awt.Composite实现(然后我不需要知道如何实现一个图标来使其禁用)。 只有似乎没有实现转换为灰度,所以我必须创建自己的... 也就是说,我一起攻击了一个实现(并且它呈现了我期望的结果)。 但我不确

Kryonet and android

I am trying to use Kryonet in an Android application, but when I try it on the Android virtual device, and even on my Android cell phone, I get this error: -Could not find class 'com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.Client', referenced from method com.Boussole.phone.MainActivity.onCreate I already added Kryonet to the build path: properties/java build path --> Libraries-->add jars --> kryonet


我试图在Android应用程序中使用Kryonet,但是当我在Android虚拟设备上甚至在Android手机上尝试时,出现此错误: -Could not find class 'com.esotericsoftware.kryonet.Client', referenced from method com.Boussole.phone.MainActivity.onCreate 我已经将Kryonet添加到构建路径中: properties/java build path --> Libraries-->add jars --> kryonet-2.18-all.jar 如果您将Eclipse与ADT结合使用,则当您要添加j

Alternative for Collections.newSetFromMap to be used in JDK 1.5?

I want to use such "Collections.newSetFromMap()" method in JDK 1.5 which doesnt support it. Also ConcurrentHashSet Class is not supported in java 5. Have to compile following line in JDK 1.5.How do i do it? protected Set<String> knownLCWords = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>()); Please guide me. Below is the implementation of that method

用于JDK 1.5的Collections.newSetFromMap的替代方法?

我想在JDK 1.5中使用这样的“Collections.newSetFromMap()”方法,它不支持它。 此外,Java 5中不支持ConcurrentHashSet类。必须在JDK 1.5中编译以下行。我该如何做? protected Set<String> knownLCWords = Collections.newSetFromMap(new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Boolean>()); 请指导我。 以下是Java Collections源代码中该方法的实现。 本质上,该方法返回包含Map的AbstractSet的子类以及一个瞬态Set 。

Easy way to Sync Data between MongoDB and Apache Solr

I recently started working with MongoDB and Apache Solr. I am using MongoDB as a data store and I want Apache Solr to create index for my data for the search feature in my application. After some research I found out, there are basically 2 methods to sync the data between MongoDB and Solr. 1) using Solr DataImportHandler - For this I used SolrMongoImporter created by james and followed his

在MongoDB和Apache Solr之间轻松同步数据

我最近开始使用MongoDB和Apache Solr。 我使用MongoDB作为数据存储,我希望Apache Solr为我的应用程序中的搜索功能的数据创建索引。 经过一些研究发现,基本上有两种方法可以在MongoDB和Solr之间同步数据。 1)使用Solr DataImportHandler - 为此我使用了由james创建的SolrMongoImporter,并在github上关注了他的教程 我能够成功运行导入处理程序,Solr识别出ImportHandler,但它没有将任何文档导入solr。 每次它说

Idiomatic way of keeping a stateful lookup table with indexes in Clojure

I am fairly new to Clojure and functional programming in general and I've been struggling with the following problem. I'd like to assign a unique and stable index to a series of tokens (strings). Since there will be a lot more lookups than insertions, a hash-map seemed to be the way to go. In Java I would've written something along the lines of int last = 0; HashMap<String, I


我对Clojure和函数式编程相当陌生,并且一直在努力解决以下问题。 我想为一系列令牌(字符串)分配一个唯一且稳定的索引。 由于会有比插入更多的查找,哈希映射似乎是要走的路。 在Java中,我会写一些东西 int last = 0; HashMap<String, Integer> lut = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); function Integer getIndex(String token) { Integer index = lut.get(token); if(index == null) last++

Android int replaced with android.R.integer in eclipse

Probably a simple one but I can't seem to find out where to stop this. Each time I type in int it gets instantly replaced with integer and the package import android.R.integer; is automatically included. Anyway of stopping this from happening in Eclipse? Thanks Perhaps you may try this: Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Organize Imports -> (check) Do not create i

eclipse中android int替换为android.R.integer

可能是一个简单的,但我似乎无法找到在哪里停止这一点。 每次输入时 int 它立即被替换为 integer 和包裹 import android.R.integer; 被自动包含。 无论如何阻止这在Eclipse中发生? 谢谢 也许你可以试试这个: 首选项 - > Java - >代码样式 - >组织导入 - > (检查)不要为以小写字母开头的类型创建导入 我不确定它是否有帮助,但让我们试试:) 我解决这个问题的方法是输入“int”,然后按ESC。