Does happens before Program order rule work in constructors?

Is it really possible to view partially constructed object in the thread created in the constructor because of the lack of synchronization and the leaking this instance? Except for the case when there is a child class, of course, or we are doing implicit construction with clone or something like that - so let's suppose that the class is final and is it's fully initialized in the thread


是否真的有可能在构造函数中创建的线程中查看部分构造的对象,因为缺少同步和泄漏此实例? 除了有子类的情况,当然,或者我们正在用clone或类似的方式进行隐式构造 - 所以我们假设类是final的,并且在调用其他线程之前在调用构造函数的线程中完全初始化。 据我了解,以下hb()规则适用, 线程中的每个动作都发生在该线程的每个动作之前,该动作稍后按程序顺序(程序顺序规则) 线程上的start()调用发生在已启动线程的

Do you ever use the volatile keyword in Java?

At work today, I came across the volatile keyword in Java. Not being very familiar with it, I found this explanation: Java theory and practice: Managing volatility Given the detail in which that article explains the keyword in question, do you ever use it or could you ever see a case in which you could use this keyword in the correct manner? volatile has semantics for memory visibility. B


在今天的工作中,我遇到了Java中的volatile关键字。 不太熟悉它,我找到了这样的解释: Java理论与实践:管理波动性 考虑到该文章解释关键字的详细信息,您是否曾经使用过该关键字,或者您是否曾经看到可以正确使用此关键字的情况? volatile具有内存可见volatile语义。 基本上,写操作完成后, volatile字段的值对所有读者(特别是其他线程)都可见。 没有volatile ,读者可以看到一些未更新的价值。 回答你的问题:

How to call Java functions from C++?

How can I call Java functions from a C++ application? I know about calling them from CMD (or similar techniques), but I would rather not use them. As an example, check Creating a JVM from C. It shows a sample procedure to create a JVM and invoke a method. If the JVM already exists; eg your C program is invoked by the Java program (callback situation), you can cache the JNIEnv* pointer. As

如何从C ++调用Java函数?

我如何从C ++应用程序调用Java函数? 我知道从CMD(或类似的技术)叫他们,但我宁愿不使用它们。 例如,检查从C创建JVM。它显示了创建JVM并调用方法的示例过程。 如果JVM已经存在; 例如你的C程序被Java程序调用(回调情况),你可以缓存JNIEnv *指针。 作为一个建议,要小心从C / C ++中缓存指向JVM的指针,还有一些涉及到你可以缓存的语义,它可以在稍后调用。 为此,正如Brian Agnew指出的,检查JNI参考。 查看JNI

Invoking JNI functions in Android package name containing underscore

I am trying to implement MP3 encoding in Android using the LAME library following these guides: Lame MP3 Encoder compile for Android However I am getting a java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError which I believe might be due to the fact that my package name contains an underscore which it interprets as a f


我试图在Android中使用LAME库实现MP3编码,请遵循以下指南:Android的Lame MP3编码器编译 -Android与 - JNI 然而,我得到一个java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError,我相信这可能是由于我的包名称包含一个下划线,它被解释为句号。 看下面我的代码是这个问题,我怎么解决这个问题。 或者是否有其他事情导致这一点。 预先感谢您的帮助。 R

Possible bug in sun.reflect.Reflection handling of abstract enums?

I've identified what is at least undesirable behavior and at most a bug in the Sun JDK's handling of reflection on Java enum s with an abstract method. I've searched for a bug report and StackOverflow answer for this particular behavior and come up dry. You're more or less always wrong when you think you've found an issue like this in such well-used and carefully-tested code


我已经确定了什么至少是不受欢迎的行为,并且最多也是Sun JDK使用抽象方法处理对Java enum的反射的一个错误。 我已经为这个特定行为搜索了一个错误报告和StackOverflow答案,并且干了起来。 如果您认为自己在如此经过良好使用和经过仔细测试的代码中发现了类似问题,那么您或多或少总是错误,因此请理智地检查我并告诉我在哪里出错。 代码 考虑下面的代码: A / package a; public enum Greeting { H

Unicode character ("\u232B") does not display on button

I'm building the keyboard of a calculator application for Android. I'm using the unicode but the application did not display the button "erase to left" static String[][] screen2L ={{"sin","asin","sinh","asinh","sind","asind","u232B","AC"}, {"cos","acos","cosh","acosh","cosd","acosd","log2","gamma"}, {"tan","atan","tanh"

Unicode字符(“\ u232B”)不显示在按钮上

我正在构建Android的计算器应用程序的键盘。 我正在使用unicode,但应用程序未显示按钮“向左擦除” static String[][] screen2L ={{"sin","asin","sinh","asinh","sind","asind","u232B","AC"}, {"cos","acos","cosh","acosh","cosd","acosd","log2","gamma"}, {"tan","atan","tanh","atanh","tand","atand","log10","ln"}}; 谢谢 所有字体都不支持Unicode字符。

Lombok IntelliJ IDEA Plugin: Use of var is disabled by default

I'm using the Lombok Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA . When try to run Java code using the var keyword, I get the following error: Use of var is disabled by default. Please add 'lombok.var.flagUsage = ALLOW' to 'lombok.config' if you want to enable is. How do you do that in IntelliJ IDEA ? I created the lombok.config in the project root and pasted lombok.var.flagUsage = ALLOW b

Lombok IntelliJ IDEA插件:默认情况下禁用var

我正在使用适用于IntelliJ IDEA的Lombok Plugin 。 当尝试使用var关键字运行Java代码时,出现以下错误: Use of var is disabled by default. Please add 'lombok.var.flagUsage = ALLOW' to 'lombok.config' if you want to enable is. 你如何在IntelliJ IDEA做到这一点? 我在项目的根目录下创建了lombok.config ,并粘贴了lombok.var.flagUsage = ALLOW但没有修复它。 val正在工作,但不是var 。 我

What type of token exactly is "var" in Java 10?

In the last issue of Heinz Kabutz's newsletter, #255 Java 10: Inferred Local Variables, it is shown that var is not a reserved word in Java 10, because you can also use var as an identifier: public class Java10 { var var = 42; // <-- this works } However, you cannot use ie assert as an identifier, as in var assert = 2 , because assert is a reserved word. As it's told in the lin

在Java 10中,什么类型的标记完全是“var”?

在上一期Heinz Kabutz的新闻通讯#255 Java 10:推断局部变量中,显示var不是Java 10中的保留字,因为您也可以使用var作为标识符: public class Java10 { var var = 42; // <-- this works } 然而,你不能使用ie assert作为标识符,就像在var assert = 2 ,因为assert是一个保留字。 正如链接通讯中所述, var不是保留字这一事实是个好消息,因为它允许使用以前的Java版本的代码,它使用var作为标识符在Java 10中编

What is the native keyword in Java for?

While playing this puzzle (It's a Java keyword trivia game), I came across the native keyword. What is the native keyword in Java used for? native关键字应用于一种方法,以指示该方法使用JNI(Java Native Interface)以本机代码实现。 It marks a method, that it will be implemented in other languages, not in Java. It works together with JNI (Java Native Interface). Native methods were used i


当玩这个谜题(这是一个Java关键字琐事游戏)时,我遇到了native关键字。 Java中使用的native关键字是什么? native关键字应用于一种方法,以指示该方法使用JNI(Java Native Interface)以本机代码实现。 它标志着一种方法,它将以其他语言实现,而不是Java。 它与JNI(Java本地接口)一起工作。 过去使用本地方法来编写性能关键部分,但是Java变得更快,现在不太常见。 当时需要本地方法 您需要从Java调用其他语言

What is the different between Method and Function in JAVA?

This question already has an answer here: Difference between a method and a function 33 answers 它是一样的,函数或方法只是不同的方式来调用它,但在我长时间使用java的经验中,我最常听到我的开发人员的函数,上次我听到有人说'方法'返回时,我仍然使用C ++


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 方法和函数之间的区别33答案 它是一样的,函数或方法只是不同的方式来调用它,但在我长时间使用java的经验中,我最常听到我的开发人员的函数,上次我听到有人说'方法'返回时,我仍然使用C ++