Java: Are generic ArrayLists faster than LinkedLists for iteration?

For an ArrayList of a particular type, we can find the size of object (of a particular type) in the ArrayList, and directly access the object at any index in O(1). This is because object references are stored in contiguous chunk of memory in ArrayList, and hence by skipping object_size * index memory locations, we access the memory location where the reference of desired object is residing. Wh


对于特定类型的ArrayList,我们可以在ArrayList中找到对象(特定类型的)的大小,并直接访问O(1)中任何索引处的对象。 这是因为对象引用存储在ArrayList中连续的内存块中,因此通过跳过object_size * index内存位置,我们访问所需对象的引用所在的内存位置。 而在LinkedList中,我们必须迭代每个对象直到达到所需的对象。 对于包含不同类型对象(具有不同大小)的通用ArrayList, get(index i)在O(1)中完成? 如果是这

How do I remove repeated elements from ArrayList?

I have an ArrayList of Strings , and I want to remove repeated strings from it. How can I do this? If you don't want duplicates in a Collection , you should consider why you're using a Collection that allows duplicates. The easiest way to remove repeated elements is to add the contents to a Set (which will not allow duplicates) and then add the Set back to the ArrayList : List<Str


我有一个Strings ArrayList ,我想从中删除重复的字符串。 我怎样才能做到这一点? 如果你不想在一个Collection重复,你应该考虑为什么你使用一个允许重复的Collection 。 删除重复元素的最简单方法是将内容添加到Set (不允许重复),然后将Set添加回ArrayList : List<String> al = new ArrayList<>(); // add elements to al, including duplicates Set<String> hs = new HashSet<>(); hs.addAll

How to decide which collection should be used from List Set?

This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers What Java Collection should I use? 4 answers It all depends upon your current requirements for example, consider some important points about If you want to access the elements in the same way you're inserting them, then you should use List because List is an ordered collection of elements.

如何从List Set中决定应该使用哪个集合?

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 我应该使用什么Java集合? 4个答案 这一切都取决于您当前的要求 例如,考虑一些重要的观点 如果您想以与插入元素相同的方式访问元素,那么您应该使用List因为List是元素的有序集合。 你可以使用get(int index)方法来访问它们,而没有这样的方法可用于Set 。 无法保证它们的存储顺序。 如果元素包含重复项,则使用List因为Set不允许重

When to use each Java Collections data structure

This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers It depends on the performance characteristics and behavior you are looking for. For example in a LinkedList add, delete, and retrieve are O(1) , O(1) , and O(n) , whereas for an ArrayList , the same operations are O(n) , O(n) , and O(1) if using get(int) and O(n) if using get(Object) . However Arra

何时使用每个Java Collections数据结构

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 这取决于您正在寻找的性能特点和行为。 例如,在LinkedList添加,删除和检索操作是O(1) , O(1)和O(n) ,而对于ArrayList ,相同的操作是O(n) , O(n)和O(1)如果使用get(int)和O(n)如果使用get(Object) 。 但是ArrayList每个条目使用的内存少于LinkedList 。 人们通常使用Vector<type>向作为同一集合一部分的结构添加元素,但与其他成

Runtime of arraylist operations add and remove by index

This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers No, this would not be accurate to say that insertion and removal of elements from ArrayList by index is amortized constant time, because there is no amortization going on for copying of data. Only list expansions and their associated copying are amortized, because they happen infrequently*. However


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 不,这是不准确的,因为索引中ArrayList中元素的插入和删除是分摊恒定时间,因为没有摊销进行数据复制。 只有扩展名列表和它们相关的拷贝才会被分摊,因为它们很少发生*。 但是,这需要在列表末尾插入。 当您在列表的开头插入时,扩展仍然会摊销,但每次调用都需要将元素移动1个位置所需的副本,且不会摊销。 *为了能够分摊操作成本,您需

comparison of Linkedlist over arraylist

This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers Linkedlist is indeed faster on insertion, the problem is with your example. In your code you insert by appending to the end all the time. For ArrayList it is as easy as for LinkedList. What you should do is to build a list of say 5000 items and then start inserting in the middle. Here array become


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 链接列表插入确实速度更快,问题出在您的示例中。 在你的代码中,你通过追加到所有的时间来插入。 对于ArrayList,它和LinkedList一样简单。 你应该做的是建立一个说5000个项目的清单,然后开始插入中间。 这里array变慢 - 你必须在插入位置之后将整个数组的其余部分全部移位。 这是什么将显示差异。 分析事情的工作原理,不难理解为什么。

ArrayList vs LinkedList Java

This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers ArrayList is a list implementation that's backed by an Object[] . It supports random access and dynamic resizing. LinkedList is a list implementation that uses references to head and tail to navigate it. It has no random access capabilities, but it too supports dynamic resizing. Bear in mind

ArrayList vs LinkedList Java

这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 ArrayList是一个由Object[]支持的列表实现。 它支持随机访问和动态调整大小。 LinkedList是一个列表实现,它使用头部和尾部的引用来导航它。 它没有随机存取功能,但它也支持动态调整大小。 请记住,两者都支持get(int index)签名,但两种实现之间的区别在于性能:对于ArrayList ,这是转到索引位置的问题,而对于LinkedList ,则必须沿着

Index based Data structure in Java

This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers If I understand your question, you could use a List<String> like so public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> al = Arrays.asList(":a", ":a", ":b", ":c", ":f", ":f"); for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { System.out.printf("%d. %s%n", 1 + i, al.get(i)); } }


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 如果我理解你的问题,你可以像这样使用List<String> public static void main(String[] args) { List<String> al = Arrays.asList(":a", ":a", ":b", ":c", ":f", ":f"); for (int i = 0; i < al.size(); i++) { System.out.printf("%d. %s%n", 1 + i, al.get(i)); } } 输出是(注意:索引从0开始,所以我添加

Linkedlist vs ArrayList implementation of List

Possible Duplicate: When to use LinkedList<> over ArrayList<>? What is the difference between these two list? they both implements the interface List what in what case would you use a LinkedList above an ArrayList? A classic interview question. Read this: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? or just google it, there is tonnes of information out there on this. In day to d

Linkedlist vs List的ArrayList实现

可能重复: 何时通过ArrayList <>使用LinkedList <>? 这两个列表有什么区别? 他们都实现了接口List在什么情况下你会在ArrayList上面使用LinkedList? 一个经典的面试问题。 阅读此:何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 或只是谷歌,这里有大量的信息。 在日常编程中,你很少会使用LinkedList。 但是,你应该明确不同之处。 如果添加和删除元素的频率更高,则进入链表。在数组列表中,如果要从中间

LinkedList vs ArrayList on a specific android example

This question already has an answer here: When to use LinkedList over ArrayList? 28 answers Short answer you should go for LinkedList if you are adding/removing/updating element frequently, especially for the case of first/last elements, as it contains a pointer to the first and last node Long answer LinkedList add method gives O(1) performance while ArrayList gives O(n) in the worst case.


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 何时通过ArrayList使用LinkedList? 28个答案 简短的回答你应该去LinkedList如果添加/删除/更新元素的频繁,特别是对第一个/最后一个元素的情况下,因为它包含一个指向第一个和最后一个节点 长答案 LinkedList add方法给出O(1)性能,而ArrayList在最坏情况下给出O(n) 。 LinkedList速度更快。 它只会引用节点,所以第一个消失: 另外, ArrayList适用于一次写入或多次写入,但在前端或