Servlet for serving static content

I deploy a webapp on two different containers (Tomcat and Jetty), but their default servlets for serving the static content have a different way of handling the URL structure I want to use (details). I am therefore looking to include a small servlet in the webapp to serve its own static content (images, CSS, etc.). The servlet should have the following properties: No external dependencies


我在两个不同的容器(Tomcat和Jetty)上部署webapp,但是它们用于提供静态内容的默认servlet具有处理我想要使用的URL结构的不同方式(详细信息)。 因此,我希望在webapp中包含一个小的servlet来提供自己的静态内容(图像,CSS等)。 该servlet应该具有以下属性: 没有外部依赖性 简单可靠 支持If-Modified-Since标题(即自定义getLastModified方法) (可选)支持gzip编码,etags,... 这样的servlet可用吗? 我

How to retrieve and display images from a database in a JSP page?

如何从JSP页面中的数据库中检索和显示图像? Let's see in steps what should happen: JSP is basically a view technology which is supposed to generate HTML output. To display an image in HTML, you need the HTML <img> element. To let it locate an image, you need to specify its src attribute. The src attribute needs to point to a valid http:// URL and thus not a local disk file system


如何从JSP页面中的数据库中检索和显示图像? 让我们看看将会发生什么: JSP基本上是一种应该生成HTML输出的视图技术。 要以HTML格式显示图像,您需要HTML <img>元素。 为了让它找到一张图片,你需要指定它的src属性。 src属性需要指向一个有效的http:// URL,因此不是本地磁盘文件系统路径file://因为当服务器和客户端在物理上不同的机器上运行时,它永远不会工作。 图片网址需要在请求路径(例如http://example

How to upload an image and save it in database?

This question already has an answer here: How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? 12 answers For the file upload part, you need to set enctype="multipart/form-data" on the HTML form so that the webbrowser will send the file content and you'd like to use request.getPart() in servlet's doPost() method to get the file as an InputStream . For a concrete code example,


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 如何使用JSP / Servlet将文件上传到服务器? 12个答案 对于文件上传部分,您需要在HTML表单上设置enctype="multipart/form-data" ,以便网页浏览器发送文件内容,并且您希望在servlet的doPost()方法中使用request.getPart()将该文件作为InputStream 。 有关具体代码示例,另请参阅如何使用JSP / Servlet将文件上载到服务器? 然后,为了将此InputStream保存在数据库中,只需在BL

ServletFileUpload#parseRequest(request) returns an empty list

I have a client application in Android which uses HttpURLConnection to send files to the server. The server uses the Apache Commons FileUpload API to parse the form-data values. The HttpURLConnection sends this request: -----------------------------4912995119421 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="deviceid" 9428103 -----------------------------4912995119421 Content-Disposition: form-data;


我有一个Android的客户端应用程序,它使用HttpURLConnection将文件发送到服务器。 服务器使用Apache Commons FileUpload API来解析表单数据值。 HttpURLConnection发送这个请求: -----------------------------4912995119421 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="deviceid" 9428103 -----------------------------4912995119421 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="countryid" 598 -----------------------------49

uploading of pdf file

i want to upload a pdf file by using code given below.It give browsing facility but dont upload file. When i click sendfile button Its display uploadfile.html code page. How can i do that??? where is the error in the given code??? filename-upload.html <%@ page language="java" %> <HTml> <HEAD><TITLE>Display file upload form to the user</TITLE></HEAD> <


我想通过使用下面给出的代码上传一个PDF文件。它给浏览设施,但不上传文件。 当我点击sendfile按钮时它显示uploadfile.html代码页。 我怎样才能做到这一点??? 给定代码中的错误在哪里? 文件名,upload.html <%@ page language="java" %> <HTml> <HEAD><TITLE>Display file upload form to the user</TITLE></HEAD> <% // for uploading the file we used Encrypt type of mu

upload, Why bigger than the original?

Servlet doPost handing file-uploads, InputStream in = req.getInputStream(); File file = new File("c:/8.dat"); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len =0; while((!=-1){ out.write(buffer, 0, len); } bao.close(); out.close(); in.close(); Dose Request's getInputStream Method take


Servlet doPost处理文件上传, InputStream in = req.getInputStream(); File file = new File("c:/8.dat"); OutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file); byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; int len =0; while((!=-1){ out.write(buffer, 0, len); } bao.close(); out.close(); in.close(); 剂量请求的getInputStream方法获取http头信息? 为什

How to get data from mysql php to android

I am new to android development, I developed an application on android which has 3 activities, beside this I have developed a PHP website having database on MySQL. I want to make connection between android and PHP. I read alot of tutorials and make connections according to that using JSON Parser but I doesn't work. Can It is possible to connect client to server using " Web Services &q


我是android开发新手,我在android上开发了一个应用程序,其中有3个活动,除此之外,我开发了一个PHP网站,在MySQL上有数据库。 我想在android和PHP之间建立连接。 我阅读了大量的教程,并根据使用JSON解析器进行连接,但我不工作。 是否可以使用“ Web服务 ”将客户端连接到服务器? 现在我的项目的要求是,我有一个客户注册表单,我想从中获取用户输入的所有数据,并保存在android数据库中。 我该怎么做? 是否有可能在我

How to do animation using swing and clojure?

I'm trying to animate a chess piece in a board. First I created a java.util.Timer object that "scheduleAtFixedRate" a TimerTask implemented as a proxy function. So I kept a record of the piece to move (piece-moving-record) and when it's apropriate (when the user move the piece using the mouse) the TimerTask proxy function should be test if the record is not nil and execute the


我正在试图在棋盘上制作一个棋子。 首先,我创建了一个java.util.Timer对象,它将“scheduleAtFixedRate”作为代理函数实现的TimerTask。 所以我保留了要移动的片段(片段移动记录)的记录以及何时适合(当用户使用鼠标移动片段时),TimerTask代理函数应该测试记录是否为零,移动功能。 根据预先计算的矢量,片段移动功能只是更新片段的x和y坐标。 我在片段移动记录上添加了一个观察,所以当它改变时它应该重新绘制板(画布)

~1s latency control app: is this suitable for Java?

At my work we recently finished the system architecture for a control application which has a maximum latency of roughly one to two seconds. It is distributed on small ARM on-chip boxes communicating via an IP LAN. We initially foresee that we would use C or C++, since it is a classical control system language. After discussing how to implement the application we now realize that C++ has a qu


在我的工作中,我们最近完成了控制应用程序的系统架构,该控制应用程序的最大延迟时间大约为一到两秒。 它分布在通过IP LAN进行通信的小型ARM片上盒上。 我们最初预见到我们会使用C或C ++,因为它是一种经典的控制系统语言。 在讨论了如何实现应用程序之后,我们现在认识到,C ++库的数量非常有限,缺乏内省,并且还有一些可能会减慢开发速度的属性。 然后我的同事建议说Java可能会胜任这项工作。 我真的很担心为控制应用

Generate UML from Java source

Because I have a big project I must generate the UML for this. Writing UML for 300 classes is overkill. So is there any solution to generate the diagrams for me? PS I am using Netbeans. Depending what you need the UML diagrams for, you might want to extract the concepts out of your "300 classes" and make the UML diagrams yourself- it probably helps finding architectural flaws a


因为我有一个大项目,所以我必须为此生成UML。 为300个类编写UML是过度的。 那么是否有任何解决方案为我生成图表? PS 我正在使用Netbeans。 根据您需要的UML图表,您可能想从“300个类”中提取概念并自己制作UML图表,这可能有助于查找体系结构缺陷。 将Code转换为UML只是为了让UML通常不是很理想。 如果你真的需要它,是的,企业架构师是一个好方法。 - 经典。 我认为sparxx系统的Enterprise Architect可以从Java