How to programmatically rename a method using JDT

My aim is to programmatically call the Refactor >> Rename Eclipse command for a method inside a Java Source File. Renaming a method as such should also apply the change to all the instances where this method is being used/referred. I believe that JDT has a Refactoring API, but not able to find any documents or tutorials for the same. Can somebody point me in the right direction. Edit


我的目标是以编程方式为Java源文件中的方法调用Refactor >> Rename Eclipse命令。 重命名这样的方法也应该将改变应用于正在使用/引用该方法的所有实例。 我相信JDT有一个重构API,但无法找到任何相同的文档或教程。 有人能指引我朝着正确的方向发展吗? 编辑:在运行时不需要更改。 我认为你最有希望的方法是去eclipse源代码。 用源代码下载你想要的版本。 特别是,您需要“经典”版本中包含的JDT插件的源代码。

Generating single page HTML JavaDoc

I want to generate a single HTML file from all Java source files of a project. Generally, JavaDoc generates multiple HTML pages linked together, but I want to have everything in one page. Is that possible? 那么我可以使用PDF Doclet从我的JavaDoc中获取PDF。

生成单页HTML JavaDoc

我想从一个项目的所有Java源文件生成一个HTML文件。 通常,JavaDoc会生成多个链接在一起的HTML页面,但我希望将所有内容都放在一个页面中。 那可能吗? 那么我可以使用PDF Doclet从我的JavaDoc中获取PDF。

Can't connect to Access database ("architecture mismatch" error)

This question already has an answer here: The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch Error 1 answer Based on this error: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contai ns an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application The problem is your Java architecture is probably 64-bits based but when you access Odbcad32.exe through this path: %w


这个问题在这里已经有了答案: 指定的DSN包含架构不匹配Error 1答案 基于这个错误: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contai ns an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application 问题是您的Java架构可能基于64位,但是当您通过此路径访问Odbcad32.exe时: %windir%SysWoW64odbcad32.exe 您实际上正在访问ODBC控制器的32位版本。 因此你有架构不匹配问题。

Connect Java application 64bit to ODBC driver 32bits

I am building a Java desktop application that should connect to Sage ERP via ODBC driver. However, I have a 64bit windows7 OS and the ODBC driver is 32bit. The thing that had generated the followingv exception: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application Just for info, I am configuring the DSN via C:WindowsSysWOW64o


我正在构建一个Java桌面应用程序,该应用程序应该通过ODBC驱动程序连接到Sage ERP。 但是,我有一个64位的Windows 7操作系统和ODBC驱动程序是32位。 产生了下面的异常的东西: [Microsoft] [ODBC驱动程序管理器]指定的DSN包含驱动程序和应用程序之间的体系结构不匹配 仅供参考,我通过C: Windows SysWOW64 odbcad32.exe配置DSN。 在搜索我的查询后,我认为解决方案是强制Java应用程序以32位JVM模式运行。 任何人都可

Microsoft Access and Java JDBC

Trying to insert some values in a Microsoft access database using java. I can an error however, java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] The specified DSN contains an architecture mismatch between the Driver and Application Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException To create the data source im using SysWoW64 > odbcad32 and adding it the datasource

Microsoft Access和Java JDBC

尝试使用java在Microsoft Access数据库中插入一些值。 然而,我可以有一个错误, java.sql.SQLException:[Microsoft] [ODBC Driver Manager]指定的DSN包含线程“main”中的驱动程序和应用程序异常之间的体系结构不匹配java.lang.NullPointerException 使用SysWoW64> odbcad32创建数据源im并将其添加到系统DNS。 我这样说是因为我已经看到了64位系统出现问题的地方。 但它仍然不适合我。 微软Office 32bit。 import j

Generation of C# files with Google Protocol Fails

I am working on a project that uses Java, C# and also C++ applications. To communicate between them I am trying to use Google protocol buffer. I am using following .proto file, which was taken from examples: package tutorial; message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; enum PhoneType { MOBILE = 0; HOME = 1; WORK = 2; }


我正在开发一个使用Java,C#和C ++应用程序的项目。 为了在它们之间进行通信,我正尝试使用Google协议缓冲区。 我正在使用下面的.proto文件,它来自于示例: package tutorial; message Person { required string name = 1; required int32 id = 2; optional string email = 3; enum PhoneType { MOBILE = 0; HOME = 1; WORK = 2; } message PhoneNumber { required string number = 1; o

difference between bound and connected socketchannelState in Netty

I am trying to understand the difference between ChannelStates provided by Netty viz. CONNECTED and BOUND. netty url here when does channelConnected() gets called and when channelBound() gets called Binding precedes connecting. Binding is the step where an IP address and port are associated with the socket. It is typically only an explicit step for a listening socket. Connection takes p


我试图理解由Netty提供的ChannelStates之间的区别。 连接并绑定。 netty url here channelConnected()何时被调用以及何时调用了channelBound() 绑定先于连接。 绑定是IP地址和端口与套接字关联的步骤。 它通常只是侦听套接字的明确步骤。 连接在套接字连接到服务器或从客户端接受时发生。 在后一种情况下,绑定和连接步骤通常是组合的,或者说绑定是通过连接调用隐式完成的。

StreamCorruptedException occurs during object decoding

I am writing a netty client and server application that will write JVM GC stats to a time-series database to analyse for around 300 servers. However my pipeline is throwing lots of these exceptions: 10/02/2012 10:14:23.415 New I/O server worker #2-2 ERROR GCEventsCollector - netty error invalid type code: 6E at


我正在编写一个netty客户端和服务器应用程序,它将JVM GC统计信息写入时间序列数据库,以分析大约300台服务器。 然而我的管道却抛出了很多这样的例外: 10/02/2012 10:14:23.415 New I/O server worker #2-2 ERROR GCEventsCollector - netty error invalid type code: 6E at Source) at

XML: how to execute XPath query not from the root element

I need to handle large XML files, and I decided to move from DOM parser to VTD-XML. When I used Java's DOM parser, I could evaluate XPath queries from any node, not from the root. Look at XPath.evaluate prototype: Object evaluate(String expression, Object item, QName returnType) throws XPathExpressionException Object item is the starting


我需要处理大型的XML文件,并且我决定从DOM解析器转移到VTD-XML。 当我使用Java的DOM解析器时,我可以评估来自任何节点的XPath查询,而不是来自根目录。 看看XPath.evaluate原型: Object evaluate(String expression, Object item, QName returnType) throws XPathExpressionException Object item是起始上下文(例如,一个节点)。 这非常有用。 但我无法找到在VT

Runtime String concatenation evaluation

According to JLS(15.28 Constant Expressions) An expression containing only: i)Literals of primitive type and literals of type String (§3.10.1, §3.10.2, §3.10.3, §3.10.4, §3.10.5) or ii)Simple names (§ that refer to constant variables (§4.12.4). or iii)... is a constant expression. Now String s1="a"+"b"; is a constant expression and will be evaluated to "ab&qu


根据JLS(15.28常量表达式)仅包含以下内容的表达式: i)Literals of primitive type and literals of type String (§3.10.1, §3.10.2, §3.10.3, §3.10.4, §3.10.5) or ii)Simple names (§ that refer to constant variables (§4.12.4). or iii)... 是一个不变的表达。 现在String s1="a"+"b"; 是一个常量表达式,在编译时将被评估为"ab" 。 所以s1="ab"; [1] 我是否