Are Java Properties effectively deprecated?

Java's Properties object hasn't changed much since pre-Java 5, and it hasn't got Generics support, or very useful helper methods (defined pattern to plug in classes to process properties or help to load all properties files in a directory, for example). Has development of Properties stopped? If so, what's the current best practice for this kind of properties saving/loading? O


自从Java 5之前,Java的Properties对象没有多少变化,它没有得到泛型支持,或者非常有用的帮助方法(定义模式插入类来处理属性或帮助加载目录中的所有属性文件,例)。 属性的开发停止了吗? 如果是这样,那么这种属性保存/加载的最佳做法是什么? 或者我完全错过了什么? 围绕Properties的许多概念绝对是古老且值得怀疑的。 它具有非常差的国际化程度,它增加了今天只能通过Generic类型完成的方法,它扩展了Hashtable,

Java : Cartesian Product of a List of Lists

I have a problem that is really kind of a general programming question, but my implementation is in Java, so I will provide my examples that way I have a class like this: public class Foo { LinkedHashMap<String, Vector<String>> dataStructure; public Foo(LinkedHashMap<String, Vector<String>> dataStructure){ this.dataStructure = dataStructure; }


我有一个问题,它确实是一种常见的编程问题,但我的实现是使用Java,所以我将以这种方式提供我的示例 我有这样的课程: public class Foo { LinkedHashMap<String, Vector<String>> dataStructure; public Foo(LinkedHashMap<String, Vector<String>> dataStructure){ this.dataStructure = dataStructure; } public String[][] allUniqueCombinations(){ //this i

Equivalent of std::vector in Java?

What would be the closest thing to a std::vector in Java? By this I mean, a class which can take in T into its constructor and then pushBack, popBack() and that is stored in continuous memory (not linked list). Thanks ArrayList Everything's stored in array ("continuous memory") internally, although operation names are a bit different. A bit more about list implementations i

Java中std :: vector的等价形式?

在Java中最接近std :: vector的东西是什么? 通过这个我的意思是,一个类可以在它的构造函数中接受T,然后pushBack,popBack()并将其存储在连续内存中(而不是链接列表)。 谢谢 数组列表 尽管操作名称有点不同,但一切都存储在数组中(“连续内存”)。 更多关于Java中的列表实现 关于泛型 编辑 Helper Method在他的回答中也提到了有用的类(尽管不完全等同于C ++ Vector)。 如果你需要Stack功能,那可能是Ar


Previously I would always have thought a Vector was good to use for non-descript objects when length was unknown. As far as I was aware I thought it was thread-safe too What would change that Vector shouldn't be used anymore, and what is the alternative? You should use ArrayList instead of Vector . Vector used internal synchronisation, but that is rarely good enough for actual consisten


以前,我总是会认为,当长度未知时,Vector很适合用于非描述对象。 据我所知,我认为它也是线程安全的 什么会改变那Vector不应该再被使用,而另一个选择是什么? 你应该使用ArrayList而不是Vector 。 Vector使用内部同步,但对于实际的一致性来说这很少,并且只在真正不需要时才会减慢执行速度。 另请参阅此stackoverflow问题。 您可以改用ArrayList 。 如果你需要一个同步版本,你可以做如下的事情: ArrayList arr

Intersection and union of ArrayLists in Java

Are there any methods to do so? I was looking but couldn't find any. Another question: I need these methods so I can filter files. Some are AND filters and some are OR filters (like in set theory), so I need to filter according to all files and the unite/intersects ArrayLists that holds those files. Should I use a different data structure to hold the files? Is there anything else that


有什么方法可以这样做吗? 我在找,但找不到任何。 另一个问题:我需要这些方法,所以我可以过滤文件。 有些是AND过滤器,有些是OR过滤器(就像在集合论中),所以我需要根据所有文件和包含这些文件的联合/相交ArrayLists进行过滤。 我应该使用不同的数据结构来保存文件吗? 还有什么可以提供更好的运行时间吗? 这是一个简单的实现,不使用任何第三方库。 优于retainAll , removeAll和addAll主要优点是这些方法不会

What are the differences between ArrayList and Vector?

两个数据结构ArrayList和Vector之间有什么区别,你应该在哪里使用它们? Differences Vectors are synchronized, ArrayLists are not. Data Growth Methods Use ArrayLists if there is no specific requirement to use Vectors. Synchronization If multiple threads access an ArrayList concurrently then we must externally synchronize the block of code which modifies the list either structurally or simply


两个数据结构ArrayList和Vector之间有什么区别,你应该在哪里使用它们? 差异 向量是同步的,ArrayLists不是。 数据增长方法 如果没有特殊要求使用Vector,则使用ArrayList。 同步 如果多个线程同时访问一个ArrayList,那么我们必须在外部同步代码块,从而在结构上修改列表或者简单地修改一个元素。 结构修改意味着从列表中添加或删除元素。 设置现有元素的值不是结构修改。 通常在创建列表时使用Collections.sync

Vector vs. ArrayList which is better?

Possible Duplicate: Why is Java Vector class considered obsolete or deprecated? Which type is better to use and how to choice right type (memory usage, execution...)? 按照这个问题, Vector被认为是“过时的”,而是使用ArrayList 。 You should normally use ArrayList - it offers better performance. Vector has just one "advantage" - it is synchronised for concurrent modification. But i


可能重复: 为什么Java Vector类被认为已经过时或被弃用? 哪种类型更好用,以及如何选择正确的类型(内存使用情况,执行...)? 按照这个问题, Vector被认为是“过时的”,而是使用ArrayList 。 您通常应该使用ArrayList - 它提供更好的性能。 Vector只有一个“优点” - 它是同步修改的。 但事实证明,这个特性并不是非常有用,因为Vector在每个单独操作的层次上都是同步的。 如果您正在编写并发代码,那么通常需要锁定

Which part of throwing an Exception is expensive?

In Java, using throw/catch as a part of logic when there's not actually an error is generally a bad idea (in part) because throwing and catching an exception is expensive, and doing it many times in a loop is usually far slower than other control structures which don't involve throwing exceptions. My question is, is the cost incurred in the throw/catch itself, or when creating the Excep


在Java中,当实际上没有错误时使用throw / catch作为逻辑的一部分通常是一个坏主意(部分),因为抛出和捕获异常很昂贵,并且在循环中多次执行通常比其他方法慢得多控制结构不涉及抛出异常。 我的问题是,在throw / catch本身或创建Exception对象(因为它获取大量运行时信息,包括执行堆栈)时会产生成本吗? 换句话说,如果我这样做 Exception e = new Exception(); 但是不要扔掉它,是投掷的大部分成本,还是抛出+捕获处

Java NullPointerException on conditional null check

I have a very basic method as a part of a binary search tree which simply returns True if the current binary node has a right child or False if that right child points to null. public boolean hasRight(){ if(right.element != null){ return true; }else{ return false; } However whenever I test this code, the moment that I know I will reach a node that does not have a rig

Java NullPointerException对条件空值检查

作为二叉搜索树的一部分,我有一个非常基本的方法,如果当前的二进制节点有正确的子节点,则返回True,如果右子节点为空,则返回False。 public boolean hasRight(){ if(right.element != null){ return true; }else{ return false; } 然而每当我测试这段代码时,我知道我会到达一个没有正确子节点的节点,并希望我的代码只返回False,java会在该行抛出NullPointerException if(right.element

Comparing two strings with boolean?

I was trying this code writing exercise and I am so lost! The exercise is: Complete the method which takes two Strings and one boolean as input. If the boolean is true, this method compares the first two Strings, ignoring case considerations (uppercase/lowercase). Two Strings are considered equal ignoring case if they are of the same length, and corresponding characters in the two Strings a


我正在尝试这个代码写作练习,我很失落! 这个练习是: 完成将两个字符串和一个布尔值作为输入的方法。 如果布尔值为true,则此方法比较前两个字符串,忽略大小写(大写/小写)。 如果两个字符串的长度相同,则两个字符串被忽略大小写相等,并且两个字符串中的相应字符忽略大小写。 如果布尔值为false,则此方法应比较两个字符串,如果第一个字符串表示与第二个字符串相同的字符序列,则返回true,否则返回false。 注